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Writer's pictureTobias Solutions

Any Questions? The Best Things to Ask in an Interview

Updated: Dec 14, 2023


You’ve got the interview, and well done! You feel like you’ve aced all the questions and have a good rapport with the interviewer. Then, without warning, the interviewer asks, “And do you have any questions for us today?” and your mind goes blank. It’s happened to all of us at one time or another. The great thing is that you can prepare for this before the interview with our handy guide to the best questions to ask.

1. What’s the benefits package like?

It’s OK to query what perks this position will carry with it. The interviewer knows you will apply for multiple positions and wants you to choose their company over anyone else’s. It gives the interviewer a chance to sell their company to you and, of course, gives you vital information when you decide whether to accept the position. You won’t iron out details at this stage, but a general feel for how the company looks after its staff is essential.

2. What are your company’s core values?

You’ll undoubtedly have researched the company and position you’re applying for, but a company’s core values are often not in the job description. Allowing the interviewer to talk about the ethics and values of the company lets you get a sense of whether you will fit in and whether your values mesh with those of the company you’re applying for. Note anything that stands out as a real positive or doesn’t feel right.

3. Where do you see this company in five years?

The mid-to-long-term goals of a company can be critical, particularly if you’re approaching a managerial or operational position. You want to know that the company has a vision that it’s working towards. Asking this question shows your interviewer that you’re taking this potential position seriously, giving you a chance to make sure that the position you are going for is taking your career path in the way you genuinely want to go.

4. What’s your favorite thing about working for this company?

This is an excellent question as it shows an interest in the company and that you’ve taken a personal interest in the interviewer. It’s human nature to be pleased when people are interested in us, so even experienced interviewers will be happy to talk about their experiences. Make a note of any areas the interviewer avoids mentioning. If there’s an aspect of the company or role that the interviewer doesn’t like, they’ll avoid bringing it up for fear of appearing hostile.

5. What are the opportunities for progression in this role or department?

Depending on the position you’ve applied for, it’s normal to expect that, in time, you would be able to progress or develop your role and skills. Asking about the potential for this lets the interviewer know you’re potentially in it for the long haul and that you’re looking for a career rather than a job. It allows you to understand your career path if you join this company. Make a note of anything the interviewer speaks excitedly about. These could be positive points of the job that you won’t have seen in the job description.

6. What challenges are facing the company at the moment?

This isn’t a negative question to ask. The chances are you’re being recruited to either fill a position that’s been emptied or one that’s been created to solve a problem. Or the company is expanding, which brings new challenges every day. Business is all about challenges and opportunities, and asking about what’s on the current agenda might even give you a further chance to discuss your skills and achievements.

7. What are the next steps in the recruitment process?

Make sure you find out what happens next before you leave the interview. Getting caught up in discussions about the company, your potential role and responsibilities, and the sense of excitement a new job can bring is easy. Make sure you know your next steps when you leave, whether waiting a set number of days for a phone call or an email or contacting your agency. Knowing what happens next removes some of the anxiety of the interview process and helps you put it to one side while you concentrate on any other interviews you might have lined up.


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