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Writer's pictureTobias Solutions

Best Pre and Post Interview Tips

Updated: Dec 15, 2023


1. Research the Company

When preparing for an interview, you must research the company. For example, everyone knows that Starbucks sells coffee, but did you know they use recycled products and are big on environmental issues? Depending on the firm or business you are meeting with, make sure that at least two to three days before the interview, you search for the company and then look at its About Us page. Please read the latest news on them and view their press releases. Review the information the night before and the day of. That way, you’re well-prepared for the interview.

2. Research Your Interviewers

You might find information about the interviewer on LinkedIn or their company website. Maybe the interviewer just relocated to that office from the West Coast. This is the perfect segue to something you can state during the interview when asked about yourself. You might say, “I saw on LinkedIn that you relocated from California. I relocated too and found that I can work well on both coasts.” The interviewer might also support the social issues you both have in common. You can bring this up if it’s relevant and you are genuinely interested in the subject.

3. Bring Up Your Key Points

An interview is a time to highlight how you can help a company. When preparing for your interview, consider areas to stress about your experience. For example, suppose the company has social awareness incentives for their staff, and you helped to spearhead the initiatives at your old company. In that case, these can be critical points you can bring up when the interviewer asks you about yourself. You can say, “Well, I saw on your website that you support green initiatives and recycling. I started a paperless system at my old firm that saved our firm much money.”

4. Find Answers to Their Problems

Interviews are a way to help fix a problem. For example, if the person they are looking to replace has an inflexible schedule and yours is flexible, you might be the answer they are looking for. If you have any questions for the interviewer, ask, “What problems did you have with the person I am replacing, if you don’t mind me asking?” They might say, “The person lived far away, and commuting was a nightmare. They were always late.” That’s your chance to say, “That won’t be a problem for me as I live nearby.”

5. Don’t Forget to Follow-Up

As you end the interview, ask how they will follow up with the next steps. Most interviewers will tell you immediately if they want to move on with you and have you come back to meet with their team or managers. They might also tell you they are still interviewing and will start the next phase in a few weeks. Find out so you’ll know when to expect to hear back from them. If you don’t hear back, you can send a short email to follow up with them.

6. Send a Thank-You

When you receive the business card from the person you are interviewing, hold onto it. You can send a thank-you card on the same day you meet with them. This is a way to show that you are grateful for their time, and it leaves a lasting impression. You can include in the card that you were thankful for their time and think you would make the perfect addition to their firm and hope to hear from them. Let them see how you stand out from the competition by sending a short follow-up.

7. What To Do When You’re Hired

If you’re hired for a new role, congratulations! You might receive the information from the interviewer in a phone call with a hiring date or in an email. They will then send out an offer letter to you with your proposed salary, benefits, vacation time, and so forth. Remember the points you discussed during the interview; for instance, if they wanted someone who was never late. That way, during the probationary period, you can show them that you are a good investment and the right choice. Be on time and always give them your absolute best.

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